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What is the use of return filter bypass valve?


The purpose of the bypass valve of the return oil filter is mainly to prevent oil supply interruption when the filter element is blocked or the engine has just started, so as to protect the engine.

The bypass valve is an important part of the oil filter, its role is not only to filter the oil, but also to ensure that in certain cases, even if the filter element is blocked, the oil can still reach the friction surface of the engine, providing the necessary lubrication protection. The details are as follows:

1. Prevent dry wear damage

(1) When the oil filter is blocked due to long-term use, the bypass valve will automatically open, allowing the unfiltered oil to bypass the filter and enter the engine lubrication system directly. Although the oil may contain some impurities, it is much better than dry friction between engine parts.

(2) When the engine is cold started, the resistance through the filter element increases due to the increase in oil viscosity. At this time, the bypass valve is opened to ensure that the oil reaches the lubrication part in time and reduces the wear during cold start.

2. Maintain stable oil pressure

(1) The opening of the bypass valve is closely related to the oil pressure. When the filter block causes the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet to increase to a certain extent, the bypass valve will open the pressure relief to maintain the oil pressure within the safe range.

(2) This design ensures that even in extreme cases, the oil supply will not be completely interrupted, ensuring the reliability and stability of the system.

3. Avoid damage to filter element

(1) If the filter element is blocked and without the protection of the bypass valve, the high-pressure oil may damage the filter element and even cause the filter element to break. The bypass valve protects the filter element from being damaged by releasing high pressure.

(2) The existence of the bypass valve allows the filter element to be protected even in the case of blockage and extends its service life.

4. Ensure immediate fuel supply

(1) When the engine needs more oil (such as high-load work or cold start), the bypass valve can respond immediately to ensure that the oil is directly filtered into the main oil channel to meet the immediate needs of the engine.

(2) This immediate response mechanism ensures that the engine is adequately lubricated under various operating conditions, thereby improving overall performance.

5. Adapt to different environments

(1) In different working environments (such as cold, high temperature, high humidity, etc.), the flow and lubrication effect of oil will be affected. The bypass valve can adjust the oil flow path according to the actual demand to adapt to different working environments.

(2) This design enables the return oil filter to cope with a variety of working conditions and improve the adaptability and reliability of the system.

6. Improve system economy

(1) The design of the bypass valve reduces the frequent replacement caused by the blockage of the filter element and reduces maintenance costs.

(2) At the same time, it also reduces the risk of engine maintenance caused by dry wear damage and improves the economic efficiency of the entire system.

In summary, the bypass valve of the return oil filter effectively protects the normal operation of the engine under various working conditions by preventing dry wear damage, maintaining stable oil pressure, avoiding filter element damage, ensuring immediate oil supply, adapting to different environments and improving the system economy. During engine maintenance and use, the filter element should be checked and replaced regularly to ensure that the function of the bypass valve is performed to the best state.

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