What is the function of the oil return filter bypass valve?

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What is the function of the oil return filter bypass valve?


The main function of the oil return filter bypass valve is to protect the engine when the oil filter element is blocked or the engine has just started.

Its features include:

1. Prevent dry grinding of the oil return filter

When the filter element of the oil filter is blocked due to prolonged use, the bypass valve opens so that the unfiltered oil can flow directly into the engine, preventing dry friction of the internal components of the engine due to lack of lubrication.

2. Cold start protection of the oil return filter 

In the cold start of the engine, the oil viscosity is large, the fluidity is not good, at this time if the filter has not been fully lubricated, the oil may be difficult to pass through the filter. The presence of a bypass valve allows the oil to bypass the filter and enter the engine directly, ensuring that critical components are lubricated, thereby protecting the engine.

3. Adjust the opening pressure of the oil return filter 

The opening pressure of the bypass valve is different for different vehicles, and this pressure needs to meet the design standards of the OEMs. If the opening pressure is set too high, the bypass valve may not be opened in time when the filter element is blocked, resulting in engine damage; Conversely, if the opening pressure is too low, it may cause the bypass valve to be open most of the time, allowing a large amount of unfiltered oil to enter the engine and accelerate wear.

The bypass valve is an important safety device in the engine lubrication system, which ensures that even in extreme conditions, the engine can still get the necessary lubrication protection.

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