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What is the effect of the hydraulic oil filter for oil?


The influence of hydraulic oil filter on oil is a complex and important issue, which involves many aspects such as the operating efficiency of hydraulic system, equipment life and oil quality. The specific analysis is as follows:

1. Keep oil clean of hydraulic oil filter

(1) Reduce solid impurities

Hydraulic oil filter can effectively filter out solid impurities in the oil, such as iron filings, casting sand, welding slag, etc., to reduce the wear and blockage of these impurities on the hydraulic system components.

(2) Prevent pollution

The use of filters helps to prevent oil pollution and avoid hydraulic system failures caused by pollution, according to statistics, more than 75% of failures in hydraulic systems are caused by oil pollution.

2. Prolong the service life of oil products

(1) Reduce oxidation metamorphism

The filter removes oxides in the oil, such as colloid, asphaltene and carbon residue, which can cause the oil to deteriorate and affect the life of the oil.

(2) Cost savings

By extending the service life of the oil, the frequency of oil replacement can be reduced, thereby saving costs.

3. Improve system efficiency of hydraulic oil filter

(1) Protect hydraulic components

The filter protects precision components in the hydraulic system, such as pumps and valves, from damage due to impurities.

(2) Reduce energy loss

Clean oil reduces energy loss in the hydraulic system and improves transmission efficiency.

4. Maintain device performance of hydraulic oil filter

(1) Keep the oil film stable

The filter maintains the stability of the oil film in the oil, avoiding direct contact between relative moving parts and reducing wear.

(2) Reduce the failure rate: By keeping the oil clean, you can reduce the failure rate of the equipment and improve the reliability of the equipment.

5. Prevent oil deterioration of hydraulic oil filter

(1) Control the oil temperature

The filter can help control the oil temperature, which will accelerate the deterioration of the oil and affect the life of the oil.

(2) Avoid oil deterioration

The filter prevents the oil from being degraded by chemical action caused by impurities.

6. Protect the environment of hydraulic oil filter

(1) Reduce waste

Prolong the service life of oil products, reduce the production of waste oil, and have a positive effect on environmental protection.

(2) Use environmentally friendly materials

Some filters are made of biodegradable or environmentally friendly materials to reduce their impact on the environment.

7. Economic benefits

(1) Reduce maintenance costs

By reducing equipment failures and extending oil life, repair and maintenance costs can be significantly reduced.

(2) Improve production efficiency

The hydraulic system is more stable and efficient, which can improve the overall production efficiency.

8. Ease of operation of hydraulic oil filter

(1) Easy to monitor

Some filters are equipped with monitoring systems to monitor the condition of the oil in real time for easy maintenance and management.

(2) Easy to replace

Filters are often designed with ease of replacement in mind, making maintenance easier.

In summary, the impact of hydraulic oil filters on oil products is comprehensive and far-reaching. It can not only keep the oil clean, extend the service life, but also improve the efficiency of the system, protect the performance of the equipment, prevent the deterioration of the oil, and also have a positive effect on environmental protection and economic benefits. Therefore, the reasonable selection and use of hydraulic oil filters is crucial to ensure the normal operation of the hydraulic system and extend the life of the equipment.

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