What is the difference between oil suction filter and oil return filter?

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What is the difference between oil suction filter and oil return filter?


The oil suction filter and the oil return filter play an important role in the hydraulic system, but there are some differences in their installation position, functional role, flow selection and filtration accuracy.

1. Installation position between oil suction filter and oil return filter

The oil suction filter is usually located in the upper part of the tank, next to the oil suction port of the oil pump, and the oil return filter is located on the return line at the end of the system.

2. Function between oil suction filter and oil return filter

The main function of the oil suction filter is to avoid larger particles of impurities into the oil pump, so as to protect the oil pump and other hydraulic components from damage. It is mainly used to prevent foreign impurities and particles from entering the hydraulic system. The return oil filter is used to filter out the solid particles and colloidal substances generated during the working process to ensure the cleanliness of the oil and extend the service life of the hydraulic components.

3. Select traffic between the oil suction filter and the oil return filter

The flow rate of the oil suction filter is usually selected according to the maximum flow rate of the system, while the choice of the return oil filter is based on the peak flow rate of the return oil, and then multiplied by 2-4 times.

4. Filtration accuracy between the oil suction filter and oil return filter

The filtration accuracy of the return oil filter is usually higher than that of the oil suction filter, because it needs to filter out more subtle impurities to ensure the cleanliness of the oil and the normal operation of the system.

The oil suction filter is mainly responsible for the coarse filtration of large particles of impurities to avoid damage to the oil pump, while the return oil filter is responsible for the filtration of more subtle impurities to ensure the cleanliness of the oil and the normal operation of the system.

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