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What effect does hydraulic oil filter have on oil?


The influence of hydraulic oil filter on the oil mainly includes extending the service life of the oil, maintaining the cleanliness of the oil and improving the efficiency of the system. The details are as follows:

1. Extend the service life of the hydraulic oil filter

(1) Reduce oxidation deterioration: hydraulic oil will continue to cycle during use, and it is easy to mix various impurities, such as metal powder, rust, casting sand, etc. These impurities accelerate the oxidation process of the oil in the oil, resulting in the deterioration of the oil. Through the use of hydraulic oil filters, these impurities can be effectively removed and the oxidation rate of the oil can be slowed down, thus extending the service life of the oil.

(2) Prevent chemical deterioration: filtration can not only remove solid particles, but also remove some soluble pollutants through adsorption.

2. Maintain oil cleanliness

(1) Filter out solid impurities: The main function of the hydraulic oil filter is to filter out solid impurities in the oil, including iron filings, casting sand, welding slag, etc. If these impurities are not filtered out, they will cycle repeatedly in the system, wear hydraulic components, block throttling holes and small gaps, and seriously affect the normal operation of the system.

(2) Prevent new pollutants from entering: The hydraulic system may enter new pollutants from outside during use, such as dust entering through the refueling port or dust ring. The hydraulic oil filter can effectively trap these new contaminants, ensuring that the oil is always clean.

3. Improve system efficiency of hydraulic oil filter

(1) Reduce mechanical wear: impurities in hydraulic oil can cause wear inside hydraulic components, especially the clearance surface between moving parts is easy to be scratched. This wear not only reduces work efficiency, but also increases internal leakage and increases the energy consumption of the system. By using hydraulic oil filters, this wear can be reduced and the overall efficiency of the system improved.

(2) Prevent failure: According to statistics, more than 75% of the failures in the hydraulic system are caused by oil pollution. By maintaining the cleanliness of the oil, the filter can significantly reduce these failures due to pollution, thereby improving the reliability and efficiency of the system.

4. Protect critical components 

(1) Protection of hydraulic pumps and valves: hydraulic oil filters can protect key components in the system, such as hydraulic pumps and valves. The filter is installed on the suction line of the hydraulic pump, which can prevent large mechanical impurities from being sucked into the pump, thus protecting the normal operation of the pump. Similarly, filters installed in the pipeline protect valves and other hydraulic components downstream.

(2) Provide clean oil: Especially in large hydraulic systems, the bypass filtration system composed of hydraulic oil filters can independently filter out impurities in the oil and provide clean oil for the entire system.

5. Maintain the chemical stability of the hydraulic oil filter

(1) To prevent chemical deterioration: hydraulic oil works at high temperature and high pressure, and is prone to oxidation reaction, generating acidic substances and sludge. These oxidation products not only corrode metal components, but also clog filters and small oil circuits. By changing the filter regularly, these oxides can be effectively removed and the chemical stability of the oil can be maintained.

(2) Prevent air and water pollution: hydraulic oil filters can also prevent the entry of air and water. Air and water are one of the important reasons for the deterioration of hydraulic oil, which not only reduce the lubrication performance of oil, but also cause foam and emulsification. The filter can trap these air and water droplets to maintain the stability of the oil.

To sum up, the hydraulic oil filter plays a vital role in the hydraulic system, which ensures the cleanliness and stability of the hydraulic oil by filtering out solid impurities, preventing new pollutants from entering, reducing mechanical wear, protecting key components and maintaining the chemical stability of the oil and other mechanisms, thus extending the service life of the oil. The efficiency and reliability of the system are improved.

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