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Filter oil leakage analysis


The leakage of oil from the filter in the hydraulic system is a technical fault that needs to be taken seriously. It not only affects the normal operation of the system, but also may lead to security risks and economic losses. The following is a detailed analysis of the oil leakage of the hydraulic filter:

1. The seal is damaged 

Seals are the first line of defense against oil leakage in the hydraulic system. If the seal is aged, worn or improperly installed, it can lead to oil leakage.

2. Pipe connectors are loose

If the pipe joint in the hydraulic system is not tightened, or gradually loosened due to vibration and other reasons, it will also lead to oil leakage.

3. The rubber sealing ring is damaged

The rubber sealing ring may be damaged due to excessive working pressure, oil pressure pulsation, high or low working temperature, and the sealing surface is not smooth, resulting in oil leakage.

4. Hydraulic system pollution

Pollutants inside the hydraulic system, such as molding sand, chips, abrasives, etc., if not completely removed, will aggravate the wear of hydraulic components, reduce the sealing performance, resulting in oil leakage.

5. The oil temperature is too high

Too high oil temperature will accelerate the aging of the rubber seal ring, reduce the sealing performance, and eventually lead to the failure of the seal and oil leakage.

6. Improper routine maintenance

Improper daily maintenance, such as failure to regularly check fasteners, joints, or failure to properly set seal replacement cycles, may also lead to oil leakage.

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